Award Of Contract To Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd.

BackFeb 26, 2007
Naim Cendera Holdings Berhad ("Naim" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that SinohydroNaim Sdn, Bhd. ("SHN"), an associated company of Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Naim, has received the Letter of Award for the Proposed Erection and Completion of 56 Towers and 30 km of Transmission Line for the Proposed 132 kV Selangau Substation to the Proposed Coal Fired Power Plant at Kpg. Matadeng from Sinohydro Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd. ("SHC") for a contract sum of RM5.4 million.

The above contract is not expected to have any material effect on the earnings, net tangible assets, share capital and substantial shareholders' shareholdings of Naim for the financial year ending 31 December 2007.

None of the other directors and/or major shareholders of Naim or persons connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the above contract except Mr. Che Weili, a director of SHN, who is also a director of SHC.

The above contract is expected to be completed by 15th August 2007.

This announcement is dated 26th day of February 2007