Change In Audit Committee

BackFeb 25, 2008
Date of change
Type of change
Member of Audit Committee
Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan
Bachelor of Science in Estate Management
Member of The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia
Senior Certified valuer with International Real Estate Institute, USA
Member of the International Real Estate Federation
Working experience and occupation
He began his career in 1979 as a valuer in the Land and Survey Department of Sarawak. Since 1982, he has been involved in a wide range of businesses, including valuation, project management, property development and management, construction, timber, manufacturing, trading and publishing. In June 1993 he became the Managing Director of Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd. and on 25th June 2003 he was appointed Managing Director of the Company.
Directorship of public companies (if any)
Sarawak Plantation Berhad
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer
Brother of director Abang Hasni Bin Abang Hasnan
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries
28,918,850 shares (11.57%) - direct
40,480,500 shares (16.19%) - indirect
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change)
YB Tuan Haji Hamden Bin Haji Ahmad - Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Datu Haji Abdul Rashid Bin Mohd Azis - Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Sylvester Ajah Subah@ Ajah Bin Subah - Independent Non-Executive Director
Datuk Hasmi's resignation as member of the Audit Committee is in compliance with the Revised Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance requiring the committee to comprise fully of non-executive directors.