Provision Of Financial Assistance

BackMay 26, 2011
Date Announced : 26/05/2011  
Type : Announcement
Subject :

Description :
Please refer to below details.

Announcement Details/Table Section :

Provision of Financial Assistance pursuant to Paragraph 8.23(1) and Practice Note 11 of the Bursa Malaysia Main Market Listing Requirements

1. Introduction

Pursuant to Paragraph 8.23(1) and Practice Note 11 of Bursa Malaysia Main Market Listing Requirements, the Board of Naim Holdings Berhad (“Naim”) wishes to announce that the aggregate amount of financial assistance provided as at 31 March 2011 to facilitate the ordinary course of business of the Naim Group is as follows:-  


Type of Financial Assistance

Amount (RM’000)


Corporate Guarantee in relation to banking facilities



Performance Bond/Bank Guarantee





2. Financial Impact

(i) Share capital

The provision for financial assistance has no effect on the share capital and shareholding structure of Naim for the quarter ended 31 March 2011.

(ii) Earnings

There is no material impact on the earnings of Naim Group for the quarter ended 31 March 2011.

(iii) Net Tangible Assets (“NTA”)

There is no material impact on the NTA of Naim Group for the quarter ended 31 March 2011.

Dated this 26th day of May 2011